I mine tidligere poster har jeg skrevet om energi og det store skiftet i vår bevissthet og hvordan du kan endre tankemønstre for å leve i en høyere frekvens av kjærlighet. Jeg har skrevet mange artikler om dette på engelsk, da jeg i majoriteten studerte engelske bøker og tekster for å finne svar på mine store ambisiøse spørsmål.
Jeg vil gjerne dele en akademisk artikkel som jeg skrev i fjor der jeg ser nærmere på hvordan effekten av vibrasjonen i musikk har Helene egenskaper. Etter min Master i musikk ble jeg nysgjerrig på å finne flere svar og diskutere akademisk informasjon som har spredd seg med stor fart i det åndelige nettverkene i hele verden.
Det er selvsagt en tøff oppgave å skrive en akademisk tekst da jeg ikke får referere til kanalisert informasjon som ikke er “godtatt” i akademisk sammenheng, allikevel fant jeg svært mye informasjon jeg ønsker å dele med dere!
Holistic re-programming through energy, frequency and vibration in sound
Over the past decade parapsychologists, neuroscientists, authors, astrologists, holistic doctors, and spiritual leaders have discussed the evolution of consciousness and the dimensional shift to the 5th dimension in consciousness, emanating from a state of unconditional love. People that struggle with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and trauma operate from a lower level of consciousness. This negative state of fear-based being, limits the potential for expansion into a higher state of emotional and psychological intelligence.
Is there a disconnect and a forgotten knowledge of how energy, frequency, and vibration create everything in our universe? I question and explore the calibration of consciousness, and how it can be a helpful tool for holistic re-programming through sound and frequency.
The evolution of consciousness can be described as a fifth-dimensional frequency that emanates an energy of unconditional love, the highest frequency and vibration in the universe.“Every person is born with a calibratable level of consciousness, which is an energy field within the infinite field of consciousness. Indeed, everything in the universe constantly gives off an energy pattern of a specific frequency”(Hawkins). The map of consciousness below, describes the different states of consciousness through a map ranking the lowest vibration as shame at a level of 20 and the highest level as enlightenment at 700-1000. The logarithmic system was created by using kinesiology tapping into the subconscious mind which stores memories and emotional issues, it also controls the involuntary nervous system running breathing, metabolism, and digestion.
There are many authors that have released books and video content in the last decade, describing this state of consciousness “The fifth-dimensional consciousness is a vibrational frequency of unconditional love with the absence of fear, where compassion rules your emotions” (St, 2017). This supports the idea that fifth-dimensional consciousness according to Hawkins’s map of consciousness measured in a logarithmic system
shown above, is at the 500 level “characterized by the development of a love that is unconditional, unchanging and permanent. Love focuses on the goodness of life in all its expressions and arguments that which is positive. It dissolves negativity by recontextualizing it rather than by attacking it” (Hawkins, 2020).
Owen Waters writes in The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness, “We are in the biggest shift in cultural history” (Waters, 2006). His research is based upon his extensive studies of the human energy systems and he claims “A global average of 200 or more is necessary to sustain life on this planet without it sinking into eventual self-destruction” (Waters, 2006). Furthermore, he discusses “One individual at a higher level of consciousness counterbalances many, many individuals who are below the critical level of 200. Below the 200 level are the attractor fields of shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger and pride. Right at the critical 200
level comes courage and its ability to empower the self out of the victim orientation of the lower frequencies. As you raise your consciousness, you contribute more and more to the spiritual quality of the global mind. Therefore, your greatest service to humanity is, paradoxically, the development of your own consciousness” (Waters, 2006). This has been an area that I have researched in accordance with hosting meditations, for more information please watch the video Raising collective spiritual consciousness added in the section publications below.
Many authors support Owen Waters’s work and describe a shift into the fifth dimension “We’re going through a change that was prophesied in all the ancient records, we’re going through the greatest transformation in the history of humanity. Everything that exists is held through frequency and vibration. The entire humanity and the solar system are shifting from one reality to another by shifting frequency” (Perez, 2021). Furthermore, Perez discusses the Marvel movie Dr strange and quotes “these are the movies we are going to be creating in the new earth, the fifth-dimensional reality” (Perez, 2021).
Ralph Smart´s YouTube channel, Infinite Waters has a following of 2.04 million subscribers. He describes the 5th dimension as “Your ego dissolves in the fifth dimension where love reigns supreme. It’s heart-centered. An unlimited mindset where anything is possible“ (Smart, 2022).
Astrologers are also voicing a shift to fifth-dimensional consciousness. Pam Gregory discusses welcoming in an expanded consciousness of love and promotes meditation and connection to nature to lift the energy into a higher frequency as the earth is now traveling through the photon belt “I profoundly believe that we are in the midst of the biggest evolutionary jump that humanity has ever made. The old is falling away and that feels very chaotic and the energy is turning around, it´s shifting us to this very different place as we are made up of biophotons, our cells are made up of biophotons they are the ones that carry the information from cell to cell, they are the intercellular network within our systems but what we are receiving now are photons that can movie in many more dimensions at the same time. At a quantum level this is incredibly exciting” (Gregory, 2022). She also refers to Rory Duff´s and Dr. Carl Johan Calleman´s work in regard to the shifts of the ages.
Dr. Lipton, known for his extensive study in epigenetics “claims the need for amalgamation between science and spirituality in humanity” (Lipton, 2021). In his interview with Face the Current, he discusses therapy through sound, somatic energy, consciousness, and love. “Thoughts create the world in front of us, consciousness, the thoughts, the energy fields, the field, and field shapes matter” (Lipton, 2021).
As fifth-dimensional consciousness can be perceived as a form of high vibrational energy, can vibrations in sound measured in hertz alter and heal a lower vibrational consciousness? Sacred geometric patterns have a mathematically perfect vibrational structure in music. Hans Jenny discovered in the late fifties the effects of sound waves shaping geometrical patterns in sand, applying a range of frequencies, termed cymatics. Many support his finding including Michael Tellinger who states “Everything in creation spins and vibrates, it has its own prime resonance frequency, everything and this is why once we can identify primates in this frequency of a bacterium or an atom or whatever it is. We can then manipulate that object with prime resonance frequency. Sound is the source of all creation, sound and resonance are responsible for everything, it’s the breath of the creator the prime reason’s frequency and a source code for everything in creation including our DNA” (Tellinger, 2017).
432 Hz was named the miracle tone by Nicola Tesla as it correlates to light, time, matter, and space mathematically connecting to the ratios of the moon, sun, and earth, also connected to many ancient sites around the world as the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Mayan ruins and Stonehenge. Tesla stated “If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration” (Tesla). Steven Halpern released an album in 2018 named sound healing 432 Hz. He states “Healing the world through music allows your human instrument to come into a higher state of coherence, your brainwaves shift into a balanced state. The harmonic of the earth itself is basically about eight cycles per second, this is what’s also known as the Schumann resonance. When we get into the most natural healing state we literally entrain to the dominant frequency of the planet itself”(Halpern ). Joseph Cambell claims “It’s the most important mythological number in history” (Cambell).
Dan Winter developed the “Factor 9” Grid built on 432Hz, he claims “All life can be expressed by frequency and vibration”(Winter, 2021).
Yet the international standard of tuning has been changed to 440 Hz. I question why this vital information is not included in traditional music education and in connection to science studies. If music composers all over the world both included this frequency in their compositions, we can only imagine the impact it would have on people’s consciousness. What if this 432Hz frequency was played in hospitals around the world?
Jose Silva founded the Silva Method, a system based on tapping into the subconscious mind at theta state 4-6Hz to re-program the mind. This method has been welcomed by the scientific community, one of the first scientists to research the method was Dr. J. Wilfrid Hahn of the Mind Science Foundation in California, and years later Silva International continues to thrive and collaborate with universities and research institutions “Over the years we have continued to fine-tune the process of tapping into the human mind’s inner potential-and often profoundly changing our students’ lives in the process. We do this through an optimized curriculum that includes the Centering Exercise, guided meditations, visualization techniques, intuition-enhancing tools and Theta level exercises, which guide our students into an even deeper level of mind than Alpha”. (Silva Method, n.d.).
My work is informed by the reading and understanding of the scientists and authors cited. It is evident that both respected authors, scientists, astrologers, and spiritual teachers through published articles and research, books, documentaries, and public speaking ranging from three decades back up until today are voicing a shift in consciousness and some describing fifth-dimensional consciousness. Furthermore, the research and findings on how energy, frequency, and vibration in sound are connected to sacred geometry where certain frequencies have the power of healing are exhilarating findings. I am dedicated to further researching the correlations of these aspects and what methods and theories that will be discovered.
With a genuine interest in meditation, I started producing meditation music and writing guided meditations during my Masters’s degree in music production. I hold a certificate in the Silva method, working with the Alpha and Theta states of the mind that tap into the subconscious mind for re-programming and healing. This has inspired my work as I have gained a deeper understanding of brainwaves and mind science. In the past two years, I have been researching and following my own development of consciousness through self-healing, reprogramming the mind and a range of different types of meditations, and monitoring the shifts that have taken place in my personal life. When I merged the understanding of Hawkins’s map of consciousness, mind science, holistic healing, and sound I gained a deeper understanding that the universe and the human consciousness are interconnected through energy, frequency, and vibration.
I have shared my findings in articles, interviews, and online teaching, l and already I have been able to inspire and make an impact in people’s lives. Therefore, I consider it vital that I develop deeper research bringing significant impact to a wider audience, whilst also continuing to merge the gap between the scientific and spiritual community.
Taking the role of a female leader within a heavily male-oriented industry is not new to me with fifteen years of work in the music industry. My notion is that there is a lack of strong-willed, passionate and intellectual women at the forefront of studies in consciousness.
Velkommen til det store skiftet!
Xoxo TK ♋️